The following article is from 观察者网 Author 王文
美吉多战役,是人类历史上有确切文字记载的第一场战役。公元前1457年5月9日,图特摩斯三世领导下的古埃及王国战胜了330多个城邦组成的反埃及“迦南联盟”,此后屡战屡胜,最终缔造了世界历史上第一个跨洲际帝国埃及帝国。 当下西方舆论充斥着对俄乌冲突升级、乌克兰反攻的各类猜想与评论,以及西方政客轮番飞抵基辅支援乌克兰的声势,甚至还召开由美国主持40国防长会,摆出俄罗斯一国对抗美国领导的“40国联军”的压迫感。加之中国不少网友本身对俄军军力“数天解决战斗”的超高期待落空,对俄罗斯国运的担忧感上升,一些研究者还撰文建议中国公开支持俄罗斯。其实,事态远未到那个俄军兵败如山倒的地步。列举美吉多战役胜利日的巧合,就是想重提3477年前的那场战役,埃及1:330最后都能赢;这场俄罗斯看似1:40的战争,也未必会输。当下的俄乌冲突,美国与北约发动的舆论战来势汹汹,一副想置俄罗斯以死地的架式,但战争靠得不是阵势或声势,也不是参与行为体最多的那方就一定能赢。预测战争的成败,也不能只是靠舆情。至少有四点确凿的证据支撑“俄罗斯情况尚可”的总体判断:第一,西方支援乌克兰的实际到账物资与资金,远不足以撑起乌克兰的反攻与最终胜利。5月6日美国国务卿在讲话中承认,2月24日以来美国对乌安全援助总额达38亿美元。当天总统拜登讲话也坦白,“已几乎用尽了美政府可用于向乌提供安全援助的资金”。拜登曾想为乌克兰向国会申请330亿美元的援助但未果,于是他呼吁“国际伙伴们须继续展示团结和决心,为乌提供源源不断的武器和弹药”。美国自己没钱,让盟友多出一些。那其他“伙伴们”到底给了乌克兰多少呢?我大体算了一笔,实际到账应该不会超过50亿美元。要知道泽连斯基公开叫喊,乌克兰一个月用于公务员工资、维系战时政府基本运作的费用就要70亿美元。由此看,无论此前英国首相约翰逊,还是近期佩洛西、拜登夫人、加拿大总理特鲁多到访基辅,多是把乌克兰当成自己的政治秀场,以及一场场口惠而实不至的外交活动。难怪泽连斯基反复呼吁西方政客,“要来千万别空手来啊!”可以想象,除非美西方10倍、20倍级的增加援助,否则根本无法支撑泽连斯基宣称的“7月反攻俄罗斯”的计划。第二,美西方对俄制裁冲击不大,且还有可能让俄罗斯赚了一笔。俄罗斯近万亿海外资产被冻结,经济增长肯定会受到冲击。但《经济学人》杂志5月初公开刊文说,制裁只是让俄罗斯“受了皮外伤”。冲突以来,能源、粮食价格都暴涨20%以上。国际贸易商家出于恐慌心态而产生的囤积行为,猛增对俄能源与粮食进口,3月底被曝出连美国都一周内对俄原油进口猛增43%。价量双增,俄罗斯贸易商其实赚了不少钱的。俄罗斯财政部透露,5月将额外收到油气收入4140亿卢布的资金。4月初推行的“卢布结算令”更是高招。美西方两个月内推出对俄8000多项制裁(是40年美西方对伊朗制裁总数的约3倍),一度令卢布从79:1大崩至154:1美元。“卢布结算令”则使卢布力挽狂澜,甚至回涨至超出冲突前的66:1美元(5月8日汇率),创3年来新高。国际货币市场上“求卢布、去美元”之势已起。美国将“货币武器化”,180多国央行行长心里想的肯定是同一件事:今天你拿美元打俄罗斯,明天就有可能打我。于是自然产生的后果是,美国作为国际储备货币的比例已降至58%上下的历史新低,“去美元化”已然在加速。第三,美欧内部裂痕已起,对俄制裁与战略压制不会长久。匈牙利已多次重申反对并将否决对俄能源制裁,目前已有超过10个国家接受了“卢布结算令”,暗暗选择与俄罗斯进行妥协。现实比人强啊,欧盟对俄能源依赖度超过40%,有一些国家(如斯洛伐克、奥地利等)对个别能源种类(如石油、煤、天然气等)对俄的依赖度甚至超过80%。没有俄罗斯,他们的日常生活真的受到巨大冲击。4月欧元区通胀率7.5%,创历史新高。不少欧元区国家与生活相关的支出(电费、粮价)有的都涨了15%以上。反战声高涨,民粹主义浪潮一波超过一波。欧盟政治人物更新换代,默克尔退休后,马克龙变成了资格“最老”的人物。4月底法国大选中“险胜”的马克龙后,近日主动要求与普京通话2小时,结果是俄罗斯的回呛:北约必须停止向乌克兰提供武力支持。德国总理舒尔茨的日子也越来越难过,5月他连续表态希望俄乌冲突早点结束。欧盟很想找能源替代,但普遍评估,即使欧洲铁了心地能源“去俄罗斯化”而转购非洲、中东、美国能源,也得要到2027年。但俄罗斯离欧洲近,运输成本低,能源价格更便宜,欧洲爱莫难舍啊。可以预料,随着冲突不断拉锯化,欧盟会越来越难受,尤其是三、四个月后入秋转冷,天然气取暖需求量上升,欧盟更会服软。从这个角度看,欧洲会选择与俄罗斯妥协的时点不会超过2022年秋季,应该是大概率事件。第四,俄罗斯在顿巴斯地区的军事存在没有陷入“人民战争”,相反,很可能从实际控制顿巴斯中获得不少实际利益。顿巴斯地区约6万平方公里,人口约300万,都仅占乌克兰国土和人口的1/10左右,但顿巴斯却是乌克兰经济、工业与能源重镇,经济总量占1/3,GDP总量约500亿美元。目前,俄罗斯在顿巴斯的实际控制区,本来就是操俄罗斯语的俄罗斯族占多数,长期受基辅政权的压制,分离之心早已有之。顿巴斯地区的“顿涅茨克人民共和国”和“卢甘斯克人民共和国”更是著名的钢铁、机械的工业重镇,宣布独立后已被俄罗斯承认。若像2014年克里米亚独立后并入俄罗斯,将会使俄罗斯经济总量额外增加1-2%。另据统计,俄罗斯在冲突初期拿下的敖德萨南部的蛇岛,周边油气资源丰富(约1200万吨石油和700亿立方米天然气的储备),探明储量价值约1万亿美元。当前俄军推进速度较慢,且非常注意当地的人道主义考量,大概率就是“以战养战”、推行长久占有并最终领土并入的战略。从这个角度看,俄罗斯发动这场军事行动从经济利益上看是不亏的。一些国人对俄罗斯未来的担忧,一方面是出于对俄罗斯军力超高期待落空的心理正常反应,另一方面也是出于“俄罗斯若败、下一个西方将对付中国”的唇亡齿寒感。但把心理预期调整至如果俄罗斯一开始就没有想吞并乌克兰、一开始就没有想“速胜”的角度,那么,有理由相信,这场俄乌冲突打到现在,总体上看俄罗斯面临的局势并不算糟糕。俄民众对普京的信任与支持率从冲突前的65%到5月初的81%,也充分证明俄罗斯实际情况。不少俄罗斯朋友私下表示,虽然一些如苹果手机等在线事务受到影响,但整体上日常生活仍稳定且内心支持普京这场军事行动,也印证了上文的推断。当然,这并不是说美国对俄罗斯的策略面临失败。事实上,两个月多来,中国人讲述美国“以乌制俄”、“以俄压欧”的策略是有道理的。从能源、军工收益及大西洋联盟巩固的角度看,美国短期内肯定是俄乌冲突的最大赢家。但长期看,美国未必赢。全世界人都看在眼里,美国与北约打的是代理人战争,消耗的是乌克兰人的生命,想达到的削弱俄罗斯人的目的,捍卫的却是美国与北约霸权。虽然表面上看西方媒体不断拔高与塑造美国与北约的正义形象,但世界不是傻子,美国表现出来的狡猾、虚伪已经让西方所谓道德高地完全崩溃。从阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚、利比亚再到乌克兰,多少血腥与灾难都是在西方所谓正义之名下产生。真正可怜的是乌克兰。乌克兰肯定是最大输家,乌克兰人肯定最苦。这次波兰跳得很高,对乌西地区原本曾是波兰领土的多个州有所觊觎,甚至梦想着建立波兰-立陶宛联邦。还不知道其他国家到底打着怎样的算盘呢!脑洞大一些,说不定最后俄罗斯与北约、欧盟最终妥协,牺牲并瓜分了乌克兰,这种概率也是有的。所谓“两头大象打架,草地最糟殃”,演员出身的政治素人泽连斯基的战略能力显得不足。
Western politicians ignore cruelty of war as they benefit from it
By Wang Wen
When mentioning May 9, one may readily think of Russia's Victory Day of the Great Patriotic War. Western public opinion is full of speculations and comments about the escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and even has portrayed a picture of Russia alone fighting the "40-member coalition of countries aiding Ukraine" led by the US. But perhaps it is forgotten that May 9 is also the victory day in another historical battle, the Battle of Megiddo, which is the first battle to have ever been recorded in what is accepted as relatively reliable detail.On May 9, 1457BC, Egyptian forces under the command of Pharaoh Thutmose III defeated a large rebellious coalition of more than 330 Canaanite vassal states, and won many battles thereafter, eventually creating the Egyptian Empire, the first transcontinental empire in world history.
It's by sheer coincidence that the two victories happened on the same day, which, however, can offer some realistic lessons. Egypt won by a strength difference of 1:330, showing that wars are not just won by the sheer number of people involved.
In terms of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the US and NATO seem to have been menacing, as if they are ready to put Russia to death. However, Russia may not lose, even with a strength difference of 1:40. The most important reason for this argument, in the opinion of many Chinese people, is that the US-led NATO is fighting a proxy war, consuming the lives of Ukrainians, trying to achieve the purpose of weakening Russia, but igniting the war itself aims at defending the hegemony of the US and NATO.
While on the surface, Western media outlets continue to shape and elevate a righteous image of the US and NATO, they are cunning and hypocritical in the eyes of numerous Chinese. The so-called moral high ground of the West has completely collapsed. From wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya to the one in Ukraine, too much bloodshed and too many disasters have been created under the so-called justice of the West.
I would like to recommend Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail,a new book by Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater, the world's largest hedge fund. After having made profits for nearly half a century, Dalio tries to explore in his book, not the nature of wealth, but the cycle of the rise and fall of world empires, as well as reasons behind victories and defeats in wars.
In the book, Dalio uses beautiful curves to describe the almost consistent cycles of the rise and fall of multiple empires in history. In the ascending phase, an empire has multiple victories as its ladders go up. In the descending phase, defeats in wars become inevitable. The "Dalio curve" can explain imperial wars throughout history, and it can also explain why the American Empire, which has been on a downward curve since 2000, has brought tragedy in every war. Things went athwart. And reasons for that are imaginable.
When it comes to external conflicts, the first thing the Chinese people pay attention to is the "timing." When the timing is not right, no matter how strong the military force is, it will inevitably fail in the war. From this perspective, there would be no winner in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Although the US has taken advantage in the short term, but in the long run, it is also a loser.
As a Chinese scholar, I have no intention of defending Russia. I just don't like the seemingly righteous moral superiority of Western politicians when they talk about Russia.
Chinese people don't like wars. More than 2,000 years ago, the school of Mohism, founded by Chinese philosopher Mozi, put forward viewpoints such as "universal love" and "non attack." Ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu also said, in his immortal book The Art of War, that the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. There were many peasant rebellions in Chinese history, but China is indeed the world's major power that has launched the least military operations against neighboring countries.
In the eyes of Western politicians, war is profitable. As a result, they completely ignore the cruelty of war. More than 14,600 wars have occurred in human history over the past 5,000 years. Tens of billions of people died due to these wars. If the lost wealth is converted into gold, a hugely golden belt, about 75 kilometers wide and 10 meters thick, can circle the Earth.
Just imagine, if there is no war, what kind of prosperity would human beings have had today?
// 人大重阳